According to the Environmental Quality Act, industries are forced to perform very specific environmental analyses based on their field of activity. No matter the size of your industry, H2Lab will know how to meet your needs.

Owing to environmental follow-up requirements that are increasingly stricter, industries must develop an efficient strategy to streamline the logistic chain of their environmental characterization process. H2Lab will take care of your analytical needs through a customized approach.

Sector needs
The H2Lab team can support you and direct you to perform environmental analysis. Whether for analyzing contaminated soils or for leaching tests, our professionals offer you their expertise at all steps of the logistic chain.

Reasons for becoming a partner
To allow industries and establishments to demonstrate that they are complying with environmental requirements of the MDDELCC, H2Lab agrees to provide them with fair and unbiased results. Trust us with your analyses and we will give you the assurance of a quality service that meets industry requirements.
You are looking for a partner?
Our project leaders will be delighted to present you quickly with a complete offer based on your needs and at competitive prices.
You want new challenges?
Making a career with H2Lab equals joining a dynamic and disciplined team. We are always on the lookout for new talents.
Your sampling campaigns
Let H2Lab specialists collaborate with you teams when planning your sampling campaigns. Our expertise and our know-how will make your life easier.
Collecting samples
To avoid drawbacks owing to shipping or to postal transportation, we will make sure that your samples are sent to our lab. We will be collecting samples directly at your plant.