We have more than 25 years of experience in the field of drinking or bathing water analysis for the residential sector. When you resort to H2Lab for your analyses, you are sure to receive a professional, reliable and quick service.

It is essential to make sure that the quality of water that is consumed or used is adequate and that it meets with government requirements. Water of a poor quality can have a direct impact on the health of consumers and users alike. These recommendations apply to all facilities (pools, hot tubs, etc.) that can be a source of potential contaminants for users.

Sector needs
Health Canada recommends that water coming from a well or a source and that is destined to consumption should be analyzed at least twice a year. H2Lab offers complete residential analysis services that are adapted to your needs.

Reasons for becoming a partner
Labs of H2Lab boast a solid expertise of more than 25 years in the field of residential water analysis. We have established several service and collection points to allow you to perform your analyses quickly, simply and in accordance with government requirements.
You are looking for a partner?
Our project leaders will be delighted to present you quickly with a complete offer based on your needs and at competitive prices.
You want new challenges?
Making a career with H2Lab equals joining a dynamic and disciplined team. We are always on the lookout for new talents.
Interpretation of your results
To find out more on what your results mean, please refer to technical documents published by Health Canada in sections Drinking Water Quality : Chemical guideline recommendations and Drinking Water Quality : Bacteriological guideline recommendations.
Well disinfection
A bacterial contamination was detected when analyzing your water? Clean and disinfect your well as recommended by Health Canada following the Disinfection of a Well Water.